Mishi Faruqee



Mishi Faruqee is the director of the Juvenile Justice Project at the Correctional Association of New York.  Mishi has worked at the Correctional Association for almost eight years.  Prior to working on juvenile justice issues, Mishi served as director of the Correctional Association’s Women in Prison Project.  She has also worked at the DC Prisoners Legal Services Project and at the Fifth Avenue Committee, a community development organization in Brooklyn.  She holds a master’s degree in urban policy from the New School for Social Research and a master’s degree in Modern History from Oxford University.  She received her B.A. from Swarthmore College.

The Correctional Association of New York is an independent, non-profit organization founded by concerned citizens in 1844 and granted unique authority by the New York State Legislature to inspect prisons and to report its findings and recommendations to the legislature, the public and the press.  Through monitoring, research, public education and policy recommendations, the Correctional Association strives to make the administration of justice in New York State more fair, efficient and humane.



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Last updated January 10, 2007